Hyperpocket Auth#

Hyperpocket provides a robust and flexible authentication flow to support secure interactions with external tools and APIs. It enables multi-turn authentication, ensures the safety of sensitive data, and integrates seamlessly with various AI agent frameworks. By supporting multiple authentication scenarios, Hyperpocket removes the need for static user credentials and provides dynamic, secure authentication tailored to different workflows.

Advantages of Hyperpocket Auth#

  • Multi-Turn Authentication: Supports complex, multi-step authentication scenarios (e.g., OAuth flows).

    • Allows tools to initialize authentication in advance, reducing latency during actual usage.

  • Security: Tokens and sensitive data are securely managed, reducing the risk of leaks.

  • Simplicity: No need to manage additional server infrastructure; the internal auth server does it all.

  • Flexibility: Works across different tools and agent frameworks, supporting various workflows.

  • Compatibility: Handles multi-account scenarios with ease, enabling more complex use cases.

Supported authentication scenarios#

Hyperpocket’s auth system supports a wide range of scenarios, including:

  • OAuth 2.0 Flows: Token issuance, callback handling, and multi-account support.

  • Environment-Based Auth: Tokens and static information passed securely as environment variables.

Code Example: OAuth Integration#

Here’s an example of how Hyperpocket handles an OAuth-based tool with multi-turn authentication:

from slack_sdk import WebClient

from hyperpocket.auth import AuthProvider
from hyperpocket.tool import function_tool

# Define a tool with OAuth authentication
    scopes=["channels:history", "im:history", "mpim:history", "groups:history", "reactions:read", "mpim:read",
def get_slack_messages(channel: str, limit: int, **kwargs) -> list:
    Fetch recent messages from a Slack channel.

    channel(str): slack channel name
    limit(int): message limit

    token = kwargs["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"]
    client = WebClient(token=token)

    # do something you need
    response = client.conversations_history(channel=channel, limit=limit)

    return list(response)

from hyperpocket.tool import tool
from hyperpocket.auth import OAuthHandler

# Define a tool with OAuth authentication
    scopes=["read:messages", "write:messages"],
def get_slack_messages(channel: str, limit: int) -> list:
    """Fetch recent messages from a Slack channel."""
		messages = []
		# do somethin return [{"user": "Alice", "message": "Hello!"}, {"user": "Bob", "message": "Hi!"}]

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":

    messages = get_slack_messages(channel="general", limit=10)

Code Example: Initializing authentication in advance#

Here’s an example of how to set up authentication in the initial phase, making it unnecessary for the user to proceed through complex authentication steps.

import asyncio

from hyperpocket import Pocket
from hyperpocket.auth import AuthProvider
from hyperpocket.tool import function_tool

# before starting, set slack, google oauth client id/secret in pocket setting.toml

def function_tool_with_slack_auth(**kwargs):
    function tool with slack auth
    # do something with SLACK_BOT_TOKEN ..

    return "success to test slack"

def function_tool_with_google_auth(**kwargs):
    function tool with google auth
    # do something with GOOGLE_TOKEN

    return "success to test google"

async def main():
    pocket = Pocket(

    # 01. get authentication URI
    prepare_list = await pocket.initialize_tool_auth()

    for idx, prepare in enumerate(prepare_list):
        print(f"{idx + 1}. {prepare}")

    # 02. wait until auth is done
    await pocket.wait_tool_auth()

    # 03. tool invoke without interrupt
    slack_auth_function_result = await pocket.ainvoke(tool_name="function_tool_with_slack_auth", body={})
    google_auth_function_result = await pocket.ainvoke(tool_name="function_tool_with_google_auth", body={})

    print("slack auth function result: ", slack_auth_function_result)
    print("google auth function result: ", google_auth_function_result)

if __name__ == "__main__":