Enabling OAuth with Hyperpocket#

Hyperpocket simplifies the integration of OAuth-based authentication, making it easy to handle multi-step flows securely.

OAuth is particularly useful for tools that require user authorization, such as Slack, GitHub, or Google APIs.

How to Apply OAuth in Hyperpocket#

For FunctionTool#

1. Set the OAuth Configuration#

Set an OAuth configuration on .secrets.toml, on your working directory. Most of the OAuth handler requires client_id, and client_secret, but it may vary over the providers. To look over which fields are required, see this code



2. Implement Your Tool and Define Auth Provider of the Tool#

Use the @function_tool decorator to create a tool with the OAuth configuration.


Here’s how to define and use a Google tool with OAuth authentication:

from slack_sdk import WebClient

from hyperpocket.auth import AuthProvider
from hyperpocket.tool import function_tool

    scopes=["channels:history", "im:history", "mpim:history", "groups:history", "mpim:read", "im:read"])
def slack_get_messages(channel: str, limit: int = 10, SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: str, **kwargs) -> list:
    Get recent messages from a Slack channel.

        channel(str): slack channel to be fetched
        limit(int): maximum message limit
    client = WebClient(token=SLACK_BOT_TOKEN)
    response = client.conversations_history(channel=channel, limit=limit)
    return list(response)
  • auth_provider: This field specifies which authentication provider token is needed in your tool.

  • auth_handler: This field specifies which authentication handler to use if there are multiple of handlers are available. (e.g. auth_handler = slack-token is available.)

  • scopes: This field specifies required OAuth2 permission set when performing tool invocation.

3. Plug the tool in Hyperpocket`#

from hyperpocket import Pocket

pocket = Pocket(tools=[slack_get_messages])

4. Invoke tool with authentication#

# initialize tool authentication.
authentication_url = await pocket.initialize_tool_auth()

# send this authentication_url to user.

# wait for your authentication process.
await pocket.wait_tool_auth()

# invoke tool and get result
result = pocket.invoke(
        "channel": "<YOUR_CHANNEL>",
        "limit": 10}

Full Code#

import asyncio

from slack_sdk import WebClient

from hyperpocket import Pocket
from hyperpocket.auth import AuthProvider
from hyperpocket.tool import function_tool

    scopes=["channels:history", "im:history", "mpim:history", "groups:history", "mpim:read", "im:read"])
def slack_get_messages(channel: str, limit: int = 10, SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: str, **kwargs) -> list:
    Get recent messages from a Slack channel.

        channel(str): slack channel to be fetched
        limit(int): maximum message limit
    client = WebClient(token=SLACK_BOT_TOKEN)
    response = client.conversations_history(channel=channel, limit=limit)
    return list(response)

async def main():
    # init pocket with your tool.
    pocket = Pocket(tools=[slack_get_messages])

    # initialize tool authentication.
    authentication_url = await pocket.initialize_tool_auth()

    # send this authentication_url to user.

    # wait for your authentication process.
    await pocket.wait_tool_auth()

    # invoke tool and get result
    result = pocket.invoke(
            "channel": "<YOUR_CHANNEL>",
            "limit": 10}


if __name__ == "__main__":

For Sandboxed Tools#

1. Set the OAuth Configuration#

Set an OAuth configuration on .secrets.toml, on your working directory. Most of the OAuth handler requires client_id, and client_secret, but it may vary over the providers. To look over which fields are required, see this code



2. Define .auth in pocket.json of your tool#

  • Add .auth field to pocket.json.

  • For more information about pocket.json, check here

    "auth": {
        "auth_provider": "slack",
        "scopes": ["channels:history"]

3. Implement Your Tool#

One can simply get auth tokens from environment variables. For the slack auth provider, one can obtain slack token with SLACK_BOT_TOKEN environment variable.

from slack_sdk import WebClient
client = WebClient(token=os.getenv("SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"))

4. Plug the Tool in Hyperpocket#

pocket = Pocket(tools=["your/local/auth/tool/path"])
# or
pocket = Pocket(tools=["https://github.com/your-organizaion/your-repository"])

5. Invoke Tool with Authentication#

# initialize tool authentication.
authentication_url = await pocket.initialize_tool_auth()

# send this authentication_url to user.

# wait for your authentication process.
await pocket.wait_tool_auth()

# invoke tool and get result
result = pocket.invoke(
        "channel": "<YOUR_CHANNEL>",
        "limit": 10}

Full code#

import asyncio

from hyperpocket import Pocket

async def main():
    # init pocket with your tool.
    pocket = Pocket(tools=["https://github.com/your-organizaion/your-repository"])

    # initialize tool authentication.
    authentication_url = await pocket.initialize_tool_auth()

    # send this authentication_url to user.

    # wait for your authentication process.
    await pocket.wait_tool_auth()

    # invoke tool and get result
    result = pocket.invoke(
            "channel": "<YOUR_CHANNEL>",
            "limit": 10}


if __name__ == "__main__":

Why Using OAuth2 with Hyperpocket Is a Better Option?#

  • Dynamic Token Management: Handles token issuance, storage, and refresh cycles internally.

  • Secure Authentication: No exposure of sensitive credentials like access tokens.

  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate OAuth flows into multi-turn workflows.